To ensure full anonymity of communications the secure CipherTalk infrastructure includes three information gaps. The first gap is between the CipherTalk phones, where the CipherONE® Secure Connect Network isolates the CipherTalk phone initiating the call from the answering CipherTalk phone terminating the call. The CipherONE Secure Connect Network securely authenticates and IP connects the CipherTalk phones, and maintains the CipherTalk IP connections worldwide. The CipherTalk phones communicate only with the CipherONE Secure Connect Network. The CipherONE Network securely relays the encrypted talk or text between the CipherTalk phones, providing anonymity of who is calling whom and their locations. This relay process does not affect the encrypted talk or text communications, which are encrypted and decrypted by the CipherTalk phones only.
The second information gap to ensure anonymity is between the CipherTalk phones and the end-users. The end-user does not have to provide any personal or subscriber information to make a secure call even when using GSM data services. This allows an organization to hide the end-users of the CipherTalk phones, separating the users of the phones from the procurement of the phones, which provides invisibility and anonymity of the end-user.
The third information gap is that TCC’s technology hides the encrypted communications. As the encrypted communications are undetectable, they cannot be seen and therefore intercepted or blocked by the outside world. See Figure 1
Figure 1:
Three information-gap infrastructure for anonymous secure CipherTalk call/text
communications. Click image to enlarge
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